The Teacher´s Word for Today

Matthew 24:29

It is so easy these days to fall into a routine and forget that the Son of God told us to live as if we were living in the last days. Jesus told us what the times would be like so that we could make our hearts ready for His Kingdom to come. He gave us parables and likenesses of how people would think and live. If we stop and take a look around us, we might see people living like that now. That should tell a serious person something. It should scare us into action. It should make us take a good look at how we are viewing things and for what kingdom we are living our lives for. If we do not want a big surprise when the last of the signs take place, we had better prepare our hearts for Jesus now! Let us pray that our walk with Christ takes on the kind of intensity and proximity to Him that will bring us safely through the days to come. They just may be the last ones!

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