No Step Without the Lord

The lie that the serpent feeds us today is that we can think for ourselves. That heresy attacks God´s dwindling flock of sheep with all the determination of hell. Not one of God´s children would manage to find their way to the Savior´s side if evil gets its way. So, we must step with caution... Continue Reading →

Determined to Follow the Savior

Even among those who still go to church, there are threats that would steal away our Prize. God gave His Son and His Spirit to His beloved children. Yet still, there are powerful and devious forces that will not stand to let our souls belong to God. These dark evils are more concerned with tricking... Continue Reading →

The Deception of Our Day

Each age has its threats and dangers. Ours is thinking we are more informed than other generations. We like to believe we are safer and more correct than those who do not run in our crowd. But we knew these days would come. Sitting confidently in our easy chairs will not save us from being... Continue Reading →

Treating Lack of Faith

When trusting God is a struggle, we need it the most. It is when we realize our faith is under attack. Someone is trying to get us away from the Lord. Devilish thoughts creep in and trick us into distancing ourselves from the very cure to all our woes. Christians are blessed among all the... Continue Reading →

Keeping Our Hearts, Or Giving Them to God

It is a very uncomfortable topic that most people prefer not to dive into. But when giving our hearts to the Lord, we should consider our intentions. It is too easy to say we are offering our hearts to God but still keep them tightly clutched to ourselves. We will have the say of when,... Continue Reading →

The Dark Valleys of Life

When threats or losses fall on our day, it can be impossible to see how we could ever keep going. We may lose the love we had for our lives. When this happens, we will need somewhere to turn. We could search the whole world and find nothing that will comfort us. Then, we could... Continue Reading →

When to Witness

Some preach that it is the Christian calling and duty to get out there and convert others to their beliefs. While this is one of the things Christ Himself taught us, it is not the first or the most important. It would be like sending out salespeople door to door without first giving them a... Continue Reading →

Physical to Spiritual

As long as we see our lives as only physical, the Holy Spirit hasn´t yet begun to teach us about God and His ways. We are born into a physical world, but the seeds of something much greater are planted within us. Our transition begins when we are called to turn and draw near the... Continue Reading →

Called to God Or Called to Work

We love to charge off to do God´s work. But we have mistaken the calling if we haven´t taken the time to get to know Him. Endless work get done each year, supposedly in the name of God. Yet things don´t work that way in His Kingdom. First, we must grow so close to Him... Continue Reading →

Love As Christ Loved

We have probably read it so often that we don´t stop to consider it. But Jesus´ command was for us to follow Him. We are to fill ourselves with His kind of selflessness and care. His unfathomable sacrifice for us wayward sinners is to mark us for life. We would be like Him or have... Continue Reading →

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