Faith Of The Heart

Faith of the Heart

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.  Romans 10:10  NIV

There are many that claim they believe in Christ or say they know God.  But the faith found in the Bible shows two sides standing in sharp contrast.  We find opinionated and violent defense for religious participants failing to find God amongst His very promises, blessings and warnings.  On the other hand we find simple, yet honest souls whose lives and world are marked by the miraculous faith they hold for the Divine.  The difference is that their faith in the Lord made it so deep within them that it reached their heart.  Can we say that our faith has found it into our hearts?

The loud and proud ones who spout their great faith, do not humble themselves easily.  The kind of worshipper whose heart has truly been touched is the first to bow both head and knee.  We see our need to be with God.  We will seek the reassuring hand of our dear Friend and Savior.  It is these souls who have experienced Him, that will demonstrate their burning desire to be near Christ.  They are the ones whose love for Jesus wells up from the depths where God´s love and grace has touched them.  Their mouths will share of this love, but with sweet and endearing devotion.  How will our hearts and mouths demonstrate where our faith lies today?

Dear Lord,

Please tell our aching hearts if we truly have had enough of You poured into our souls.  Let it show that our faith flows up from hearts that have been touched and truly have found You!


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