The Way to Righteousness

For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, there is no way you will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:20

Jesus walked on earth in constant and complete connection to God above.  He did not look at this world as we do.  Everything He did, He lifted up as an offering of service and honor to the Father He knew and loved.

Our mission should be the same. We cannot look to ourselves, our actions, or righteousness. They are too small and weak. Even if we try to walk without blame, the effort is ours. It is still not heavenly. The Author and Finisher of our faith must be included. Our Savior is our claim to God. If He is not present and a part of what we do, our actions will always fall short.

A simple declaration of faith in Christ won´t do. Neither will following rules substitute for any real engagement with the Lord. But, by following through and making our relationship grow, we tune ourselves to Him each day. His righteousness covers those who walk closely with Him. So, let´s get closer still. Let us grow so close that the lines that define us blend and we cannot see where He ends and we begin. He will provide a righteousness that exceeds that of the Pharisees.

Dear Lord, we need Your righteousness.  We want to be able to stand with You on that day of judgment.  We see our insufficiencies and pray that You will replace our nature with Yours.  Please cover us and renew us as we walk close to Your side.  Take away all that we were before, and fill the void with Your presence, we pray. Amen

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