Our Smug Look

But I tell you that everyone who is angry with his brother without a cause will be in danger of the judgment. Whoever says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ will be in danger of the council. Whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of Gehenna. Matthew 5:22

There comes a glorious day when we come to faith in God. A conversion occurs in our hearts and changes are made to our lives. We join the privileged ones who can call themselves God´s own. Once that is done, we can sit back with a smug look and feel good about ourselves, right?

For faith to be true, Christ will be our Teacher. His words will take us where we need to go. They will penetrate, cutting through to the heart of belief. Now He tells us it is not only the murderer who is guilty of death. Even those of us who get annoyed with those around us are incriminated. Who on earth can escape that blame?

We, who claim to belong to God, have more to fear than the unknowing crowd around us. We have the warnings of Jesus and the prophets. Defending ourselves will not help. If our hearts have ever fallen to less than what God desires to see in them, then we need saving. Praise the Lord! The One who shows us our guilt happens to be the One we can go to for help! Let us turn our hope from us to Him. If we can squeeze in close enough, His righteousness is available. It can wipe away our smug looks and false confidence.

Dear Jesus, draw us near and fill our vision with You alone. Fill the moments of our day until You cloud out everything else.  We have no other safeguard against our nature.  There is no other way to remain free from guilt when our souls will be weighed. Let us come near enough in spirit so Your sacrifice can cover our every unseen blame, we pray. Amen

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